earthquake 4

It’s been 48 hours since the earthquake devastated Port-au-Prince and surrounding areas. Tens of thousands of people have died. And the suffering is not anywhere near finished. Thank you for being with the people in Haiti through your prayers and generosity in these hours. I spoke for 15 minutes this afternoon with my co-director John […]

earthquake 3

It’s been a day and a half, and each new revelation about the catastrophe in Haiti is too much. Thank you for your prayers. Thank you for your generous giving. We’re humbled and grateful to be in partnership with you–particularly in a moment like this. Co-director John Engle and his family are still in Port-au-Prince, […]

earthquake 2

Many have been praying for Haiti and asking how they can help. Haiti Partners has set up an Earthquake Response Fund. I invite you to give whatever you can to help people in the aftermath of this devastation. You can give to the Earthquake Response Fund through the “Earthquake Response Fund” on our homepage: […]

earthquake 1

You may have heard that there was a major earthquake in Port-au-Prince earlier today. We know it’s devastating, but the extent is still unclear. We also know our hearts are broken. It’s too much for people in Haiti to be asked to bear. Haiti Partners co-diretor John Engle is in Port-au-Prince right now with his […]