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More Than Education at Cabois

July 17, 2010 I visited Cabois Learning Center yesterday and witnessed first hand how this building is already serving as a shelter. The rain poured and crews working on the roads came in for shelter. Gerald, school administrator, also shared how the micro-credit, that families of students are receiving, is helping them to rebuild.

Interns Kietrie and Mary Share

July 13, 2010 Yesterday marked 3 weeks since our interns Kietrie and Mary arrived in Haiti. They share here how it’s going.

6-Month Update

July 12, 2010 Here’s a quick update on what our donors and partners are making possible in Haiti.

Update from Henri Christophe Community School

July 7, 2010 Below are a couple videos from my (Erik Badger) recent visit to Haiti.  The first is by Benaja Antoine, Haiti Partners Program Coordinator, of Henri Christophe Community School in action in their original school building.  The second is of the new site where the school will soon be relocated.  Great to see […]

Carrying Generators For Hours

July 7, 2010 Many of the 240 generators we received from Briggs and Stratton are being carried to extremely remote locations throughout Haiti. These fellas walked more than three hours to get this one to its destination.

First impressions from Cabois

Blog #1 Mary Padden July 5, 2010 Hi! This is Mary, a Haiti Partners intern for the summer of 2010. For the next month and a half, I am living in the rural community of Cabois along with my good friend Kietrie. We are staying with families, spending time with various members of the community, […]

Reed Elsevier gives grant to IMN Community School!

July 4, 2010 We just learned that Reed Elsevier, parent company of LexisNexis, granted Haiti Partners $9500 to support reconstruction, operating costs and the water project at IMN Community School!  This is wonderful news as it assures that we’ll be able to reach our initial goals, set last February just after the earthquake. Great thanks […]

Partner School Cistern Project

July 2, 2010 Thanks to a generous contribution from DAS, students and their families at partner school Bèl Platon have water!

IMN Community School June Progress Update

July 1, 2010 Last Monday, I (Erik Badger) visited IMN Community School and made this short video update of the great progress that’s happening there.  Sincere thanks to the many supporters who have made this progress possible, especially Kids4Good, Schools Count Corp. and Global Hope.  We are so thrilled to be partnering with such a […]