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Quality Schools Program Report – Spring 2016

It’s been a busy spring in the Haiti Partners Quality Schools program! For example: Four Village Savings and Loans groups are currently functioning at the Children’s Academy, with over $6400 saved to-date. Thanks to a generous and quick response by supporters to an emergency campaign, our partner school in Bèl Platon was able to quickly repair their cistern and return the […]

Joining Cultures Through Song

Submitted by Jodie Kitchens “My mitzvah project was to link across our modern tribes, across land and sea and culture and language. “ – Hart Isaacoff, Bar Mitzvah candidate On Sunday, May 22nd, the youth of Beth Ahabah buzzed around the community room, excitedly awaiting the presentation of a service project that was months in […]

15th Annual Haiti Open Space conference

The annual Haiti Open Space conference – now in its 15th year – is an opportunity for a group of diverse people from different development sectors (education, community development, environment, entrepreneurship, faith communities, etc…) to get together, share ideas and network around those issues they find most important. This year’s theme is:  How can Open Space […]