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Haiti Partners & Children’s Academy make the 2019 WorldBlu List of Most Freedom-Centered Cultures!

We are excited to announce that both Haiti Partners and our flagship school, the Children’s Academy and Learning Center, made The WorldBlu List of Freedom-Centered Cultures again this year. For Haiti Partners, this is the the 10th year in a row; for the Children’s Academy and Learning Center, it’s the 4th. Founded in 1997, WorldBlu is a global academy and community of leaders and organizations committed to freedom and democracy in the workplace.

Working in an environment of freedom-center leadership means that my ideas are always welcome. But not only are my ideas welcome. It means that I’m valued, and when I’m valued I’m more creative and discovering my best self. In this environment, I’m not hindered with stress and I become more aware of my personal practice, my philosophy, and my values. In a freedom-centered environment I wholeheartedly bring my whole self to my work. I feel liberated and able to do my best work. There are times I am tired, there are times the challenges are enormous, but in a freedom-centered leadership environment, I find inspiration to do my best work because the work I’m doing is part of my personal mission. The mission of the organization becomes one with my personal mission.

Working in freedom is where I find strength, it’s where I am most happy, it’s where I thrive. Working in freedom is medicine for me. 

~ Esther Remy, Lead teacher 

WorldBlu is doing excellent work helping all kinds of companies and organizations learn to harness the power of freedom in the way they organize and execute their work. We are both humbled and honored to be members of their great network.

To learn more, check out the 2019 WorldBlu list here.

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