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Earthquake Update

Summary of Accomplishments 10 Years On

January 12, 2020 marks 10 years since the Haiti earthquake

As we pause to pay our respects to the many lives lost during the Haiti earthquake, we are painfully aware of the media reports detailing how Haiti’s attempt to “build back better” after 10 years has failed. While it is hard to contest this general conclusion, we want to make sure that people also understand that there are bright spots in Haiti where much good work has been, and continues to be, done. We are pleased to share that despite the great challenges of trying to work efficiently in post-earthquake Haiti, our average overhead (administration + fundraising) over the last 10 years is 15%. In this same time, raised $12.8 million to support this work. We provide this summary update so that our supporters can see for themselves, in short form, some of the key accomplishments they have made possible since the 2010 earthquake. For more details, we invite you to visit our Reports page.

New Construction, Reconstruction & Repair

  • Built the Haiti Partners Children’s Academy and Learning Center using earthquake and hurricane resistant construction. School opened in September 2012 and currently serves eight grades, providing 230 students with a quality, student-centered education, each day
  • Completely rebuilt three Partner Schools after the earthquake and helped to significantly repair three others
  • Helped students’ families on the isolated island of La Gonave to rebuild their homes after hurricane Matthew (2016)


  • 3000+: Total number of kindergarten and primary school students served since the 2010 earthquake
  • Improved the quality of education at all seven schools (Children’s Academy + six Partner Schools) through substantial and innovative trainings.
  • School-based community development model created at Children’s Academy combining high quality, student-centered education, parent engagement, permaculture gardening, entrepreneurship activities, women’s & children’s rights training, Village Savings and Loan groups, and more.


  • 5,000+: Total number of teachers, parents and community leaders trained since the 2010 earthquake
  • Trained over 1,100 grassroots leaders, educators and local officials in democratic practice and participatory education (USAID project)
  • Trained over 250 residents of Habitat for Humanity Santo housing development to help them organize a community governance organization
  • Building the capacity of 40 community leaders in an intensive three year leadership development program

Community Building

  • 300,000+: Total service hours provided to support programming at Children’s Academy and operations in US since the 2010 earthquake
  • 1,000+: Total number of parents, teachers and community leaders who have received substantial training in women’s and children’s rights, combating child servitude, HIV/AIDS prevention, and Village Savings and Loans programming (Community Change Groups)
  • 250+: Total number of jobs created and/or sustained
  • 4: Social businesses launched