In honor of three dear friends–Judy Bork, Anne Brennaman, and Al Pinter–who each left significant legacy gifts that are furthering Haiti Partners’ work and vision, we’ve begun creating a special Memorial Garden at The Children’s Academy. (see banner photo).
Their names, “Albert,” “Judy,” and “Tante Anne” (“Tante” is French for Aunt–she insisted we call her this), are hand-carved into these steel benches that will serve the students, staff, and families for decades to come.
Did you know that legacy giving–including a gift to charity in your will–is linked to aging well, finding meaning later in life, and increased happiness? It’s true. In recent years a proliferation of academic research into legacy giving demonstrates it.
We invite you to consider a legacy gift to further Haiti Partners’ work. To facilitate this, we have partnered with FreeWill so you can make a legal will for free in about 20 minutes. To learn more, visit
Legacy donors Anne Brennaman (left) and Judy Bork