[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1586893971190{margin-bottom: 0px !important;}”]COVID-19 is coming soon to Haiti. As of now, there are only 15 known cases but we suspect that is a tiny fraction as there’s hardly been any testing. Haiti’s healthcare system is in no position to deal with COVID-19. The only hope is prevention. Toward that end, this is what we are doing together with our schools in Haiti:
- Prevention Video & Laminated Guide: With our talented young Haitian colleagues we created a quality video in Haitian Creole informing Haitians ways to prevent the spread of COVID-19. We’re sharing it on social media, dozens of Whatsapp groups, etc. It’s being viewed by thousands of Haitians. We’ve also created a laminated guide with visuals for households of all families of students at the Children’s Academy.
- Prevention Kits: 5-gallon buckets with faucets to facilitate hand-washing, bleach for disinfecting, soap and the laminated guide mentioned above were distributed last Friday to 175 families at the Children’s Academy. The cost of the kit is $20.
Wellness Team & Parent Volunteers: A few years ago, we created a Wellness Program at theChildren’sAcademy with technical support from Haitian physician Dr. Kobel and Haiti Clinic. It is comprised of parents of students who are trained in primary care, preventative health and how to track student health. They are rising to the occasion! They’ve created videos and are helping local Haitian families prepare for and prevent COVID-19.
- Partner School Support: We will also be transferring US$1000 to each of our six partner schools to help them with most urgent needs. At Bèl Platon Community School, they’re dealing with hunger and wish to distribute rice. Other schools will take other approaches depending on what makes the most sense for them.
In order to support these efforts, 100% of all gifts right now will go directly to benefit the families of our students and teachers to help them through the COVID-19 crisis. We invite contributions to help cover these unbudgeted expenses. From $20 to cover a single hygiene kit, to $1000 to cover support for one partner school, any size gift is greatly appreciated.[/vc_column_text][mk_button corner_style=”rounded” size=”large” url=”https://support.haitipartners.org/give/155583/#!/donation/checkout” target=”_blank” align=”center” margin_top=”25″ margin_bottom=”40″ bg_color=”#ff2400″]Click here to support our COVID-19 response efforts[/mk_button][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1586894092842{margin-bottom: 0px !important;}”]Thank you for keeping Haiti’s students and families close to your heart in these extraordinarily challenging times.