Learning Respect for Women at The Children’s Academy

One of the elements of school-based community development at The Children’s Academy is “Community Change Groups.” These groups are primarily for parents and function weekly. They focus on a variety of things, though a central one is respect for women and women’s rights, both at home and in broader society.

Last week a new activity emerged out of the Community Change Groups. Recognizing how unfair it is that women are always responsible for providing meals for everyone, the men in the group decided that they would prepare a special, surprise meal for the women. In total, 26 men shopped, prepped, cooked, and served an elaborate meal for the over 150 women who participate in the Community Change Groups.

The meal came as a surprise to the women immediately after a Community Change meeting where the men presented all the things they’d been learning about the importance of respecting women. The dinner was so successful that they decided to make it an annual Children’s Academy event.

While we know that an annual dinner can’t resolve the inequities that exist between women and men in Haiti (and elsewhere), we are confident that, especially in our small school-community, this is a step in the right direction and it will serve as a model of good values and action for years to come.

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