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Haiti Clinic Visits Children’s Academy

Haiti Clinic Mar 2013

April 4, 2013
Erik Badger

As a result of some very fortuitous connections, Haiti Partners was grateful to receive Haiti Clinic at the Children’s Academy from March 22nd to 24th. They came with 11 volunteer doctors, nurses, pharmacists and other medical professionals. This remarkable group set up shop just outside the school and served over 650 people from the surrounding area with a range of issues including skin infections, arthritis, poor vision, intestinal worms, and other afflictions.

In addition to job creation and education, health care has been a central priority for the community in Baocia expressed repeatedly in our many open meetings. We are thrilled to have connected with Haiti Clinic for this opportunity and hope to continue this partnership into the future!

To read Haiti Clinic’s full post about this visit, click here.

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