Nobel Prize Winner Muhammad Yunus visits Babou

It was an honor to host Nobel Prize Winner Muhammad Yunus at Babou and the Children’s Academy this past Saturday. Professor Yunus is the father of modern microfinance and founder of Yunus Social Business, the key partner in funding and implementation of our three social businesses.

The primary purpose for Prof Muhummad’s visit was to see the work going on at Babou, and of course, to give his feedback and counsel.

[vc_video title=”Prof Yunus Consulting with Babou team” link=””]

Of course, there is always time for selfies!

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Yunus Social Business founder, Prof Muhummad Yunus, and current CEO Saskia Bruysten, pose for a selfie with the Babou Bakery team!

WOZO also got the chance to sing a few songs for Prof Yunus and the YSB team, including the new BABOU theme

[vc_video title=”Babou Theme Song” link=””]


Prof Yunus with C0-Director John Engle posing for a picture with some Babou bread.

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