You Can Help Haiti Partners With the “CLICK” of a Button

If you are reading this blog that means you have a computer, tablet, or smartphone. If you have one of these electronic devices, it most likely means you have internet access. By simply using Welzoo as your internet homepage Haiti Partners will literally earn money every time you “click” on your internet. Imagine how that can add up!

Why should you do it?

  1. IT’S FREE.  Yes, free to you.  Plain and simple.  All the donations come from Welzoo.  You NEVER have to pay anything.
  2. IT’S EASY.  All you need to do is go online.  Just for going online you help support Haiti Partners.
  3. YOU’RE ALREADY DOING IT.  You already go on the internet everyday… at this point you literally have to go out of your way not to sign up. 
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