WONDERFUL NEWS: The Children’s Academy 9th graders’ first national exam results just came in and, on the first try ever, 100% OF THE STUDENTS PASSED! Congratulations to The Class of 2028, their excellent teachers, parents, and the entire staff at the school! Check out the reaction at the school when the news first broke in the below video. 
This is a truly extraordinary outcome for any class of students in Haiti, but especially coming from a school sending students for the first time. The national test system in Haiti is very high stakes, notoriously difficult, with typical passing rates as low as 2/3rds – 3/4ths for students in any given class. For 100% of students to pass on the first try, well … it’s truly extraordinary!
Once again, congratulations to everyone at the school on this extraordinary outcome, and a big THANK YOU to all the Haiti Partners’ supporters who made this wonderful achievement possible. It couldn’t have happened without you.