A back to school note from co-founder, John Engle


September 2, 2014


It’s September: More than 1,100 children are filling our partner school and Children’s Academy classrooms. Our 47 Micah Scholars are beginning a new year of seminary courses.

Back in 1991, I first moved to Haiti as a two-year commitment with a small nonprofit. The experience transformed me. I discovered deep meaning and inspiration as I witnessed Haitians confront mind-boggling challenges with tenacity and determination. Their example along with the country’s compelling history – Haiti is the only European colony where the slaves revolted to successfully win their freedom – caused me to make a life-long commitment to this country.

Together, with our coworkers, Haiti Partners is humbly striving toward a bold vision of Haiti inspiring the world. This vision includes that during our lifetime, Haiti will advance from being known as “the poorest country in Western Hemisphere,” to being an example of change, innovation, and resourcefulness.

We’re blessed to be part of a dynamic team with big goals. Thank you for your interest in this work of helping Haitians change Haiti through education.

With deep gratitude,


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