Civic Empowerment Open Space Community Meetings Begin

January 28, 2011

This week Open Space meetings were held at Cabois Community School, one of our partners schools, as well as in the community of Nan Chato – both in the Darbonne area.  These community Open Space meetings are a part of our Civic Empowerment Grant project with USAID.  Led by experienced Reflection Circle and Open Space practitioners, participants begin in Reflection Circle groups to cultivate democratic skills and habits, go on to study the Haitian constitution to learn more about their rights and responsibilities as Haitian citizens, and then learn to exercise these new skills and knowledge through community-wide Open Space meetings.

Open Space participants in Cabois meet in small groups and consider topics

In Nan Chato participants meet as a large group as Haiti Partners associate, Élisee Thomas, explains how to use Open Space

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