Double Your Gift Opportunity!

Christmas is a time of joy — and a time of subversion. From Mary’s first song to present, the story of Jesus is of comfort…but also disruption. Part of that disruption is to be engaged in the work of justice.

We’re grateful for the chance to do this work of justice with you in Haiti through education. And we’re excited to share a special giving opportunity!

Double Your Gift Opportunity!

A good friend and generous partner of Haiti Partners has given a $50,000 matching grant. So any gift you make to Haiti Partners by December 31 will be doubled! It’s encouraging that our giving can multiply at the same time the work we do in Haiti multiplies. Each boy and girl in our schools in Haiti, given opportunities they’d never have otherwise. Each of our Micah Scholars, who are learning in seminary and helping mobilize the church for justice.

Thank you for being a part of this joyous Christmas subversion!


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