earthquake 4

It’s been 48 hours since the earthquake devastated Port-au-Prince and surrounding areas. Tens of thousands of people have died. And the suffering is not anywhere near finished.

Thank you for being with the people in Haiti through your prayers and generosity in these hours.

I spoke for 15 minutes this afternoon with my co-director John Engle, who is in Port-au-Prince. He and his family are okay. We’re very grateful to have heard that some Haitian colleagues are well too. But we’ve still not heard from far too many colleagues and friends.

We’re also very anxious to hear about the hundreds of children and the teachers of our three Partner Schools who have likely been heavily impacted. One of the schools is in a slum of Port-au-Prince. The other two are rural schools very near the earthquake’s epicenter.

John is working to the assess overall needs in Port-au-Prince, as well as on how to physically get to these partner schools. You’re making it possible for Haiti Partners to respond to the incredible needs ahead. We will let you know more specifics as things get a little clearer each day.

If you want to give or let others know how they can give, you can do so through the Earthquake Response Fund of Haiti Partners. Click on the “Home” tab above and then on the Earthquake Response Fund.

Thank you for your prayers. People in Haiti need our prayers now so they can hold each other up. And we need to be faithful in holding them up in prayer and in whatever other ways we can help.

Gratefully, Kent (co-director)

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