Educate and Celebrate! Food, Wine and Art Auction.


Educate & Celebrate Committee

Come educate your taste buds, your inner art critics, and your hearts about education in Haiti!

On Friday, March 8, 2013, at 5:30 PM, we  will be hosting a fun evening of education at The Northern Trust Bank 755 Beachland Boulevard, Vero Beach.  The proceeds will go to support our work in Haiti.

The evening includes full education for all your senses.Together we’ll educate our palates on each wine, it’s aroma and bouquet,  and how the flavor of the wine pairs exquisitely with each food. Then we’ll conclude  with live and silent auctions.

This evening will be a real delight!

Tickets $100. Please call 772-563-8798 by March 1st to purchase your tickets. Check out our facebook for updates on the event and to see the auction items early. There will even be a donate now option for some pieces so check out of facebook often to see the item of the week.


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