Haiti Update: Day 4 since election announcement

December 11, 2010

Many stores are opened today and public transportation is circulating. I (John Engle) visited one of our Civic Empowerment groups and have talked with colleagues to learn that a number of them are meeting today. Click here to see photos of group I visited. One group in the Leogane area had 33 participants.

As I type members of Haiti Partners Youth Choir, Wozo, are arriving for their normal Saturday practice and activities. Normalcy has returned even if only temporary. Word is that things are going to erupt again on Monday.

In video below you’ll get a sense of what we saw in Petion-Ville. The video after it is a quick report from me about the situation. The last one is my wife Merline, our kids and our brother and sister saying hello and thanking you for your thoughts and prayers.

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One Response

  1. Merline, Nana, Nesslie, Alex, Daniel and Leila,
    How wonderful to see your beautiful smiling faces!
    Lots of love to you all,