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June 29, 2011

Haiti Partners is thrilled with our partnership with OLPC and Waveplace, and Acadia School that’s making it possible for more Haitian children to receive laptops and training and for more Haitian mentors to build skills in teaching computers and software.

Thanks to these partnerships, more than 700 children either have already received XO Laptops or will receive them soon. In addition to children discovering a new world of learning through this technology, it’s exciting to see a Professional Learning Community develop among Haiti Partners partner schools as well as other organizations that we’ve invited in to be part of this endeavor, including Mercy Corps, l’Athletique d’Haiti, and AMURT to mention a few.

Last week, Tim Falconer with Waveplace, Adam Holt, Country Director of OLPC, and Caroline Hudicourt, Director of Acacia School and Haiti Partners convened with representatives of Save The Children, Maison de Henri Champs, Architecture For Humanity and many other established organizations and schools to discuss ways to keep moving forward in using technology to improve education in Haiti.

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One Response

  1. Great things you guys are doing, hope you keep doing them. I’ve been watching waveplace videos for quite a while, long before the earthquake and I think this organization deserves a batch of honor for their efforts in one of the poorest countries in America.