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Other Ways to Give

Student Haiti Partner – 33 cents a day ($10 a month)

Start investing in your ideals now and join us in making a difference in Haiti. $10 a month can help send a child to school; help train one teacher, pastor, or leader for 6 months; or print 50 educational booklets. Become a Student Haiti Partner now.

Change for Haiti Advocate

Help us recruit more Change for Haiti Partners. Advocates help us to invite new people to become Change for Haiti Partners by doing short presentations at churches or for other groups. If you’re interested please email us at

School Partners

Learn how your school can teach students the value of service, cultural exchange, and generosity. Visit our Change for Haiti page for more information.

Church Partners

Want to make a difference in Haiti while energizing your church’s mission? Visit our Church Partners page to learn how.

Corporate Partners

Corporate partnerships provide the opportunity to exercise and showcase corporate social responsibility, boost workforce cohesion, and improve employee morale. Visit our Corporate Partners page to learn more.

Major Donors

Major donors can have an incredible impact through their giving. If you are considering making a major gift, we invite you contact us at or 772-539-8521 to talk with one of our co-directors about the options that make the most sense for you.

Stock Gifts

You can make a tax deductible donation with a donation of stock. Talk with your CPA today to see how this can benefit you and Haiti Partners. For more information, you can contact us at or 772-539-8521.

Planned Giving

After providing for your loved ones, you may want one of your legacies to be making a long-term difference in Haiti through innovative education for children. Bequests are free of estate tax and can substantially reduce the amount of your assets claimed by the government. You can give needed support to this work in Haiti by simply including the following words in your will: “I give, devise, and bequeath to Haiti Partners (insert amount here) to support the programs of Haiti Partners.” A bequest can be a specific dollar amount, a specific piece of property, a percentage of an estate, or all or part of the residue of an estate.

It is recommended that a lawyer help in drafting or amending a will. If you do decide to include Haiti Partners in your will, please email our co-directors John Engle and Kent Annan or telephone us at 772-539-8521 to inform us of your thoughtful decision. Thank you!

 eBay Giving Works

This program allows eBay buyers and sellers to support their favorite charity every time they use eBay. To learn more including how to “favorite” Haiti Partners, click here.

Online Campaign

It’s now easy for anyone to raise money online for a cause and create personal fundraisers for charity. To learn more and to create your own campaign to support Haiti Partners, click here.


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