The importance of joy, fun, and play in a time of chaos

Research and experience have taught us that joy, fun, and play are essential for a child’s healthy development. Unfortunately, with the ongoing threat of gang violence in Haiti and the stress and anxiety that comes with it, providing this to our students has become a challenge.
Nonetheless, as you do in situations like this, we’re adapting and doing our best. With this in mind, in early March, staff at The Children’s Academy and our Partner Schools celebrated Haitian Carnival by working with students to create masks and decorations, and then to hold their own little parades on school grounds.
The suffering that Haitians are experiencing breaks our hearts. Yet, we draw inspiration from the courage and determination of our Haitian colleagues, the students and their families, and from you, our supporters, as you respond to Haiti’s situation with such compassion and generosity. 🙏
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