Southbank Intl School: THANK YOU!

August 21, 2011

Students, teachers, parents and staff at Southbank International School, members of Pangaea group, we want to extend a very special thank you from Haiti! Thank you Julia McCormick for helping to mobilize your fellow students and school to support relief and educational efforts in Haiti after the January 12, 2010 earthquake. We are grateful!

Southbank Intl School and so many others have helped Haiti Partners to rebuild schools better than they were before and to provide more teacher training and materials so that children are better able to discover their potential.

What a joy to see children fully engaged as they learn new things. That’s what I (John Engle) witnessed yesterday at Henri Christophe School. School doesn’t start officially for weeks but at Henri Christophe School, there’s a lot of learning and activity happening. Thanks to Inveneo, six new Hewlett Packard computers with Microsoft Windows, were installed yesterday. These computers are powered by solar panels, which were also provided by Inveneo along with batteries, inverter and installation. High speed internet connection will come next week.

We’re also excited about our partnership with Grameen Creative Lab which will make it possible for Henri Christophe and other partner schools to start social businesses that generate revenue for the school and help students, teachers and parents learn entrepreneurial skills. Click here to learn more about this initiative.

Click here to learn more about Haiti Partners “partner schools.” Click here for more information about Henri Christophe school.

Click here to view more photos.

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