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Thank you for Micro-Finance Project

This is a 4-minute video thanking the two churches that generously made the micro-finance project within the Disciples Program possible. It’s so far (and it will keep rippling out) been a huge help to 234 families.

They’ve each received between $70 and $250 loans (depending on their business plan, their experience handling money, etc). Two of the five scheduled repayments have already happened, and there is nearly 100% repayment so far (except for a few families that have had health problems).

Thank you to Church of the Resurrection (Wheaton, IL) and Stopsley Baptist Church (Luton, England) for making this possible.

In addition to helping the 234 families, the Haiti Partners church network that is managing this project are grateful because it’s an opportunity for them to demonstrate the gospel in such a practical, needed way–and also helps reinforce the work they’ve been doing with the Bibles and Christian education in churches, schools, and communities.

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