Thank You, InterVarsity Christian Fellowship!

July 15, 2011

Just finished up a week here in Haiti with our visitors from IVCF, and I (Jonathan) just can’t say enough how encouraged we are by this visit!  Maxandre Bien-Aime, director of the IMN school, had this to say about the class put on by Kevin and Kristy:

For a long time I had been wondering how I could help IMN’s students learn English, this language of such importance today.  More than 30 children came to study English over 6 days.  It was a beautiful thing…With follow-up the kids will continue to speak English – one of my dreams.  This is also a great way for the Partner Schools to make a difference.  Thanks so much for helping us in this way.  The few teachers who were available were pleased to learn some English, too.  The children created a great environment at the school.  They played, sang, and danced. Give Kevin and Kristy kudos for me…

Check out my last post for a video of some of the dancing and singing at IMN! We’re excited about the possibility of a much longer follow-up next summer.

As you can see below, Helyn and Jen had a great time at the Cabois school (when they weren’t crossing rivers on foot!):

And finally, it was great to hang out with my friends Kristen and Dani, campus ministers in the Hampton Roads area of Virginia.

Yes, coordinating shirts, purses, and water bottles!

We’re looking forward to continued partnership with student groups at universities across Virginia and North Carolina through the Global Urban Trek, and excited about what else might develop in the future.  Thank you to friends and family who let this wonderful team leave them during the summer months (especially Peter, Kevin, Ryan, and Tyler).  Hope to see you all soon again in Haiti!


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