Want to take a Christmas walk?

Kencialove is a mouthful of a name – and how beautiful that she has love built right into her name! You’ll get to meet and walk with her in this short video. You’ll also get to hear her sing!

In a season of joy that has also been marked by sorrow, among other things it’s time to reflect on the precious beauty of each child in our lives.

In a way, love should be built right into each of their names, right? Christmas is a good time of year to remember this: that God was born as a child to be Love with us.

In Haiti providing children with good education is an essential way to love and nurture them. We also believe that training young church leaders who will shape the country’s future is an essential way to nuture children.

And so here are a couple of invitations for you these days before Christmas:

  1. We invite you to watch this 1-minute video so you can walk with Kencialove and hear her sing.
  2. We invite you to consider giving toward a matching gift opportunity. A friend and supporter of our work generously gave $50,000 so that any give you give by December 31 will be doubled.

Finally, we pray you and your families have a meaningful Christmas and New Year’s, marked by Christ’s meaning and peace.

With our heartfelt love and deepest gratitude,

John & Kent


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