WOZO Youth Choir Commemorates 2nd Anniversary of the Earthquake in Song

January 12, 2012

In this video the Haiti Partners WOZO youth choir sings to commemorate the 2 year anniversary of the earthquake.  The song was written and arranged by choir director, Alex Myril, and Merline Engle.  Lyrics can be found below.

January 12th, a day of terror and tears.
Eyes and hearts of Haitians filled with pain,
January 12th, a day of terror and tears.
Eyes and hearts of Haitians filled with pain
A horrific disaster, followed by cholera, and misery
take so many to their death

Your blood spilled,
and your souls live on and you are with us,
Giving your fellow Haitians strength
for the work of rebuilding Haiti

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One Response

  1. What a poignant and beautiful poem and song. Thank you for sharing dear choir kids!