MLK in Haiti – 2 minute video

January 20, 2014

In their studies and work with Haiti Partners, our Micah Scholars have been deeply inspired by the heroes of the civil rights movement. A few months ago they watched a documentary on the life of Martin Luther King Jr. together in Port-au-Prince. Since then, they’ve continued to discuss the lessons of Dr. King and the civil rights movement as work with Haiti Partners to mobilize churches to protect society’s most vulnerable, exploited children.

So Martin Luther King Jr. day seems like a great day for you to meet Erwin, Brunel, Resilia, and all 37 of our Micah Scholars!

Here they are in a 2-minute video. As we celebrate Dr. King’s legacy in the U.S. and around the world, we’re also inspired to work all the more for justice.

With a dream,



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