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Board of Directors

Board of Directors Donald Steele West Chester, PA Don is a retired Presbyterian Pastor, currently living with his wife, Donna, near West Chester, PA. They are the parents of two adult sons. Growing up outside of Pittsburgh, Don received his Bachelor degree from The George Washington University in 1980, followed by his Master of Divinity […]

Jayne Engle’s dissertation on community transformation in Bawosya earns her a PhD!

Many people in our network in the US and Haiti are familiar with our friend and colleague, Jayne Engle. Jayne came to Haiti initially through her brother, HP co-founder, John Engle. But her connection to Haiti has grown much deeper over the years to the point where I can seldom visit Bawosya – where the Children’s Academy is located […]

Creating a Changemaker Culture in Haiti

We’re frequently asked how we go about building organizational capacity and engaging community involvement. This piece explains context, our intentions and practices. When the word “Haiti” appears, the phrase that typically follows is, “the poorest country in the western hemisphere.” It’s known as a lost cause, a broken country. Those who look beyond the media […]

Abelard’s Journey

Abelard Xavier has been an engaged, exemplary member of Haiti Partners’ network of educators and community leaders for over 15 years. Initially drawn into our work through his interest in the Reflection Circles collaborative leadership program, he is a capable, trusted colleague, and a good friend. He has played key roles in many important projects […]

New Project Pages Promote Transparency

April 30, 2012 Erik Badger We’re pleased to announce two new project pages here at the Capacity Building3 and Social Enterprise for Quality Education pages.  These pages consolidate all significant proposals, reports, media and updates from these two projects and make them easily accessible to the public. Though we do not expect all of our […]

LEADERS Program: Social Enterprise

March 14, 2011 The successful long-term development of Haiti relies on Haitians acquiring and employing the skills they need to exercise their independence and autonomy in inclusive and respectful ways.  Unfortunately, most Haitian leaders lack both the practical skills to make them effective and the experience which would allow them to lead inclusively and respectfully. […]

Social Enterprise for Advancing Quality Education Project

The Social Enterprise for Advancing Quality Education project is a 3-year grant generously made possible with support from the Vista Hermosa Foundation.  Its overall goal is to “Develop and promote good leadership, inspiring successes, innovative solutions and community commitment to quality education in Haiti by leveraging the Capacity Building3 Project.” Through this project we have been able to create […]

Haiti Partners Youth Choir and Dance Troupe

August 19, 2009 The neighborhood where I (John Engle) stay when I’m in Haiti and where I lived for more than 10 years is called Mariaman. It’s in the mountains outside of Port au Prince. My wife Merline has been working with a group of young people for the last three years helping them to […]

Piloting a “Partner School”

August 14, 2009 Here’s a quick video of Community School of Cabois (Lekòl Jean Jacques Dessaline) which is one of four partner schools that we’re piloting. We’ve been collaborating with school director and teachers in literacy projects for years before they had the vision to create this school. These teachers have worked without pay and […]