Life Is Good Kid’s Foundation

May 23, 2011

I (John Engle) have had the joy of spending some time with Steve Gross and Roy Heffernan, who are leading Life Is Good Kid’s Foundation along with Roy’s niece, Katherine MacKirdy, who is a physical therapist making regular trips to Haiti for the past ten years.

Life Is Good Kid’s Foundation helps kids overcome life-threatening challenges such as violence, illness and extreme poverty. Steve has been working with children and care-givers of children for 20 years. He’s an expert! Roy chairs the board of the Foundation and also serves as Chief Operating Optimist (and is a partner) of Life Is Good Corporation.

Teachers in our partner schools have received training from Rishi and Dev and their colleagues, all of whom are super talented and committed Haitians devoted to helping children overcome challenges and develop their potential. Life Is Good Kid’s Foundation has been supporting Richi and Dev and their team since the earthquake with training, materials, and other resources.

Haiti Partners is blessed to be working with Rishi and Dev and their colleagues. We are profoundly encouraged by them along with Life Is Good Foundation’s commitment to Haiti. It was a pleasure spending time with you, Steve, Roy, and Katherine!

Left to right: Merline Engle, Steve Gross, and Katherine MacKirdy

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