Planting Beans at Haiti Partners Academy & Happy Easter!

April 7, 2012
John Engle

April 7th is a big planting day in Haiti. About 20 community members came together at 5 am this morning to start planting beans on land where Haiti Partners Academy is being built. In Haiti this is called a kòve, which is a tradition for centuries. It’s like a work party or barn raising. People come together to work for a day or several days to get a big task done and a team of women cooks meals on site. As you’ll see in video, joking and laughter is an important part of the work.

Gardening by hand like this in hot sun is hard work. But members of Bawosya are committed to Haiti Partners Academy vision. Families of people working the land will receive half of the harvest and the other half will go to Haiti Partners Academy to help with budget.

Click here for more photos.

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