Pre-School Teacher Training

March 9, 2011

We’re in second day of three days of teacher training for more than 60 pre-school educators. Leslie Falconer of Mother Goose Time and Fequiere Vilsaint of Educavision of doing a fabulous job!

In addition to have pre-school teachers present from all of our partner schools, there are also representatives from a number of international organizations such as Save The Children and Plan International. There are also educators from many Haitian schools along with teacher training organizations.

There’s a short video below. Click here for more photos.

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3 Responses

  1. All I have to say is Thank you for the work you are doing in Haiti! My husband and I go to Haiti and serve once a year in Massaide. We love to do our work there.

  2. I would love to receive information about content and resources for this conference. My husband and I are involved in a teacher’s conference in Haiti in July and are looking for useful material.

  3. I just saw this site and your video posted here. I’m an educator and run a new school here in Haiti in the lower mountains. I have in my heart to help train educators here as well and would love to be involved in this somehow. Please let me know how I can be a part! Thank you!