Teacher Summit 2014 a Great Success!

July 18, 2014
Erik Badger

On July 9-11 in Darbonne we held our annual Teacher Summit training. Nine excellent teachers and administrators from Holland, MI – all brought together by Calvary Church – came and spent two and a half days with 65 of our partner school teachers. They brought with them a host of high quality teaching materials – a full suitcase for each school! – and a whole bunch of great lessons they designed specifically for our teachers. By request, the lessons followed up on work that we’ve done over the last two years, reached across the content spectrum, and provided our teachers with a whole series of student-centered, engaging and interactive methods and activities for the classroom.

Haiti Partners is very grateful to this excellent group of educators who devote so much time and effort each year to help our partner school teachers improve at what they do.  We’re also very grateful to Calvary Church for supporting this effort. We had a great time and we look forward to staying in touch throughout the year and doing it again next year!

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