Thank you “A Bowl of Good Cafe”!

March 28, 2011

We couldn’t be more grateful to Katrina and Ernie Didot at A Bowl of Good Cafe and their staff, colleagues and clients who raised nearly $4,000 for education in Haiti. This is the second major fundraiser they’ve done since the January 12, 2010 earthquake. Thank you Katrina and Ernie and everyone involved for being such faithful friends to Haiti!

I’m (John Engle) forever indebted to Katrina for the exceptional job she did in setting up my homestay when I first moved to Haiti in 1991 and for doing a great job of making sure that I had orientation and support I needed. Thank you again, Katrina. (I can also share stories of Katrina and Ernie first meeting and falling in love ; )

Here’s a quick video to show some images of how you all are helping Haitians to change Haiti through education. We invite you to browse our blog for regular updates on how donations like yours are being put to good use to impact lives. Thank you again Katrina and Ernie and everyone involved.

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