Supporting Haiti from from 8,000 miles away

October 11, 2011

I (Jonathan Chan) wanted to take some time today to highlight a partnership that’s been really meaningful for us and the mission of education in Haiti.  This past April, our long-time friend and partner Tony Campolo visited New Zealand as a part of his incredibly busy speaking, traveling, and writing schedule.  While there, he stopped by Mt. Hobson Middle School to talk to students and staff about Haiti.

Afterwards, the school leadership team had a chance to talk with Tony about the possibility of supporting our educational efforts in Haiti.  After brainstorming some ideas, they decided on a creative plan to maximize the financial support they could send us.  In partnership with a local garden nursery owned by one of the families at Mt. Hobson, the school is having monthly plant sales in the surrounding community, and donating the proceeds towards Haiti Partners.  That money is helping us to provide teacher training, classroom supplies, professional development, and free daily meals to the 250 students and staff at Cite Soleil Community School.   As we move forward working with our partner schools to start social businesses that will improve their financial sustainability, we’re excited to be receiving support from a school-business partnership 8,000 miles away!

Check out these pictures of the plant sales!

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