Children’s Academy Phase II Water Project

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Over the course of 2012 the Children’s Academy and Learning Center made great progress. The main building was constructed with top-rate craftsmanship, solid design and engineering, and world-class oversight, assuring its ability to withstand both hurricanes and earthquakes. It includes four spacious classrooms and two 25,000 gallon reservoirs. In September, our first pre-kindergarten class started with 25 delightful 3-year olds.

Significant work still remains however. As seen in the picture above, we are currently working on installing the roof. Once completed, installation of the roof will allow the school to capture rainwater, divert it into a reservoir, and then pump it through a filtration system to be used either at the school or the social business. Though we have raised some of the funding needed to get started with this, it is a substantial project and we have a long way to go yet. Here are the funding needs remaining:

  • $24,000 – 250 square meter roof: roofing materials, trusses, water capture system
  • $12,000 – pump and filtration system

Thanks to the Simonton family and friends, $15,000 was raised last year and put towards the two reservoirs (which totalled $25,000) allowing them to be completed in 2012. We invite you to join us in this work. To earmark a gift for this project, please visit our online donation page and remember to indicate in the comments box that this is the project you’d like to support. If you’d prefer to give another way, please visit our donation page.


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*For more Children’s Academy pictures, click here.


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