Very Sad News

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March 19, 2013

Sad news received today: Mèt Anténor Camille, the member of the Children’s Academy School Committee who spoke at the Children’s Academy dedication (view blog post), passed away yesterday due to complications from a stroke two weeks ago. I (John Engle) just came from spending time with his wife, daughter, brother and extended family. He was an extraordinary person and dear friend of more than 15 years. In the neighborhood, they talk about “yon mapou ki tonbe” (a mapou, the enormous tree in Haiti, significantly bigger than any other has fallen). It’s interesting that size had nothing to do with his presence, strength and influence. I’m guessing he was about 5’4 and I’d be surprised if he was much over 100 lbs. His wisdom, conviction and joy made him a mapou. We will miss him so very, very much.


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