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The Learning Village

August 29, 2009 Friend and Haiti Partners Associate Luke Renner is doing some really cool stuff. His mission is to equip Haitians with skills in media technology toward helping them to educate the masses. We’re honored and privileged to be collaborating with him. He’s already created a number of videos for Haiti Partners and will […]

Piloting “Partner Schools”

August 27, 2009 Thanks to a grant from Vista Hermosa for our Social Enterprise for Advancing Quality Education project (click here), we are, among other things,  piloting 3 partner schools with the intent of creating an approach that can be replicated. Click here for the working draft of goals for Haiti Partners partner schools.

Haiti Partners Youth Choir and Dance Troupe

August 19, 2009 The neighborhood where I (John Engle) stay when I’m in Haiti and where I lived for more than 10 years is called Mariaman. It’s in the mountains outside of Port au Prince. My wife Merline has been working with a group of young people for the last three years helping them to […]

Piloting a “Partner School”

August 14, 2009 Here’s a quick video of Community School of Cabois (Lekòl Jean Jacques Dessaline) which is one of four partner schools that we’re piloting. We’ve been collaborating with school director and teachers in literacy projects for years before they had the vision to create this school. These teachers have worked without pay and […]


August 12, 2009 Here it is on a license plate: “Law of 2 Feet” in Haitian Creole. Pictured with owner of truck, Eric Graham. Eric participated in a couple of open space meetings and liked the law : ). He’s part of our Capacity Building Project. If you’ve looked at any of our recent photos […]

Significant Grant from Major Donor!

My colleagues and I (John Engle) are celebrating! Vista Hermosa, which is funding our 3-year Capacity Building Project just approved funding of 3 year proposal called Social Enterprise for Advancing Quality Education. We’re elated! Here’s a summary below. Click here to download proposal in PDF format. Overall: Develop and promote good leadership, inspiring successes, innovative […]

Open Space meetings in 38 Schools in 2 Months

August 8, 2009 I’m (John Engle) in Carrefour Haiti participating in one of our Capacity Building seminars, which includes 35 of my Haitian colleagues from around the country. Among them is a small team of four that are having incredible results with Open Space meetings in schools. They have contracts with Save The Children and […]