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Who Holds the Microphone?

by John Engle Several months ago someone broke into the church near where I live when I’m in Haiti and stole the sound system—a speaker and a microphone. Of course, my immediate reaction was disappointment. (Who would rob a poor church?) Yet I couldn’t help thinking it might also be a disguised blessing for the […]

The People Brought Children to Jesus…

by Kent Annan They brought children to Jesus hoping he might touch them. The disciples shooed them off. But Jesus was irate and let them know it: “Don’t push these children away. Don’t ever get between them and me. These children are at the very center of life in the kingdom. Mark this: Unless you […]

The Hope of Faith

By Shelly Satran Sunday worship at our local church is scheduled to start at 10:00 a.m., yet we never know when the service will actually begin. Sometimes my husband and I show up on time…and wait two hours. Other times we arrive just a little late…and the sermon is already finishing. For me, a time-and-schedule-oriented […]

Sharing God’s Living Words

By Kent Annan Ten young men and women, all in their twenties and thirties, arrive on foot or by bike and sit in a circle of chairs arranged on the dirt floor of a pink elementary school building in Dabòn, a town a couple of hours outside Port-au-Prince. The walls don’t go all the way […]

Security Beyond Walls

By Shelly Satran As political tensions here rise, I have been asked a few times whether I live in a compound in Haiti. It isn’t a bad question; many government and nonprofit organizations here operate and/or live inside a compound. However, Beyond Borders and its sister organization, Limyè Lavi, have chosen to seek security in […]

Right Heart, Wrong Technique

by Kent Annan The recent scene started harmlessly enough. A woman visiting Haiti from North America brought a small bag of inexpensive gifts (candy, key chains, etc.) to hand out to those she met. A crowd formed around her, and soon the reaching hands grew more numerous than her gifts. With her bag empty, she […]

Learning to Give… and Receive

by Kent Annan Kent Annan and Berlin August, one of the children of his host family, share the work of washing clothes together. Giving in Haiti is complicated. As one small example, on birthdays we’ve given colorful stickers to the kids in our Haitian host-family, which were a hit. We had a whole pack of […]

Leading Side-by-Side

by Shelly Satran Several Beyond Borders and Limye Lavi staff and board members meet around the round table at the Limye Lavi office in Haiti. In our office here in Haiti, there is a large table made up of eight sections, each shaped like a piece of pie. During regular workdays, these sections are scattered […]

Joy Springs Up

by John Engle Joy springs up in unexpected places. One Sunday morning several weeks ago about seventy people were gathered in a large circle at the end of a three-day leadership retreat that I was leading for the Wings of Hope ministry and St. Joseph’s Home for Boys. Some people would be tempted to pity […]