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Thank you DHL and Individual Contributors!

March 30, 2010 Yesterday we cleared from customs the 200 XO laptops for Haitian children contributed by individuals and shipped without charge by DHL.  Haiti Partners is grateful to be in partnership with OLPC and Waveplace on this pilot project, which involves training 40 carefully selected Haitian “mentors” who will each work over 6 weeks […]

Progress Report from Kent and John

March 28, 2010 We (Kent and John) took a break from LEADERS Seminar (a 3-year program that brings community leaders/educators together 4 times a year) to give this progress report.

Cite Soleil Community School On Track

March 24, 2010 I (John Engle) visited construction site of Cité Soleil Community School this morning, which is a partner school of Haiti Partners. They’re on track to be open and back in session April 6th–the date called for by Haitian government. We welcome people who may want to contribute to corrugated tin roofs and […]

Both Relief and Development

March 22, 2010 Our medical team left today and the child laptop team arrived last night. These are examples of how Haiti Partners is involved in both relief and development to support the communities where we have partner schools. Please note: I indicated in video that the community of one of our partner schools has […]

IMN Community School Restarts!

March 21, 2010 Yesterday, after our clinic finished at the temporary Henri Christophe School facility (one of Haiti Partners’ partner schools), we swung by to visit Maxandre at IMN Community School. They finished getting their new building constructed and began school last week. Go Maxandre and his Chicago-based network that is working so hard to […]

Clinic at Cabois Community School

March 20, 2010 Short video from yesterday doing clinic in rain inside temporary shelter at one of Haiti Partners’ Community Schools. Thank you Trish, Kathryn and Becky from Vero Beach! Today we’re in Darbonne.

Students and Joy

March 16, 2010 I continue to draw inspiration and learn from students and teachers at our partner schools. What an extraordinary job they’re doing at making the best of the situation. It’s unbelievable. It’s humbling.

Parent Involvement at Cabois School

March 16, 2010 Some good people learned about Cabois Community School being destroyed by the earthquake through Christa Brelsford’s amazing story. They’re actually considering funding all costs involved in building a Learning Center/Shelter so that the children of Cabois and surrounding communities can continue their education. And, because the Learning Center/Shelter will be equipped with solar […]

Haiti Partners Youth Choir NOT Singing

March 16, 2010 You’ve perhaps watched Haiti Partners Youth Choir dance and heard them sing. They’re still doing that regularly. But with more time on their hands because their schools have not yet started, they’re improving the community by cleaning roads. Among things that need to change in Haiti is littering. With no organized waste […]

2 Months and 2 Days

March 14, 2010 An update two months and two days after earthquake. Focus of Haiti Partners summarized: