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Patricia Arquette interviews HP about GiveLove composting toilet at Children’s Academy!

September 19, 2013 Erik Badger In previous blog posts we talked about GiveLove, an eco-sanitation organization co-founded by Patricia Arquette. Since 2010 we have been partnered with GiveLove to bring composting toilets to the schools we are partnered with. To date, they have installed these innovative toilets at the Children’s Academy and Henri Christophe Community School. […]

Co-Director Kent Annan Writes Cover Story in Christianity Today

September 9, 2013 Co-director Kent Annan wrote this month’s cover story for Christianity Today on the movement of Western Christians moving into the poorest urban communities in the world. It’s a powerful read called: “Chaos and Grace in the Slums of the Earth.”  Here’s an excerpt: For the first time in history, one of every […]