Thank you to our volunteers!

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Winston Churchill once said “We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give.” This rings true whether it is a gift of time, money, kindness, anything that will make a difference in one’s life. April, Volunteer Appreciation Month, is coming to a close. While we try to express […]

HP featured in BBB Building Trust series

Haiti Partners is honored to be a part of BBB’s Building Trust series and to be featured in their video of the week. Becoming a BBB Accredited Charity was a rigorous, in-depth process, requiring months of engagement at both the staff and board levels. We are grateful for the opportunity to accomplish this and feel stronger […]

From Violence to Dialogue: Dealing with Unrest at the Children’s Academy

… if you’re determined to go to the school, be ready, be courageous. Definitely, don’t go in the truck. Burning barricades have been built by people who are angry. They’re acting in solidarity with people around Port-Au-Prince … to lock down the country and restrict movement. Better to walk so that you can talk with […]

Village Savings and Loan groups and economic development at the Children’s Academy

The Haiti Partners Children’s Academy and Learning Center opened its doors in the fall of 2012. Its overarching goal is to provide an inspiring example of education-centered, values-based, Haitian-led, sustainable community development for the entire country. Its motto is, “Learning for Life,” by which is meant both an education that (1) provides the skills and […]