“It Changed My Life”

Erwin’s story in the video below inspires us for many reasons. She has transformed into an energetic young leader. An exploited young woman was liberated through her Bible Study on children’s rights. All this illustrates the ways we work to help Haitians engage for justice:

The Need

A lack of study resources and the controlling style of many pastors means most Haitians, like the women Erwin met, can’t study the Bible or have their voices heard.

And many Haitian churches fail to address restavek, a system which holds over 200,000 children in servitude. These children from poor families are sent to richer homes on the hope of care and education. But all too often, restaveks are exploited and abused, like the young woman in Erwin’s story.

The Root

With nearly 85% of Haitians identifying as Christians, and churches playing important roles in communities across the country, the root problem isn’t a lack of belief or love.

But 500 years of slavery and oppression have given a broken model of leadership to pastors and leaders who don’t receive much training. And all too often, American missionaries have built unhealthy partnerships that only make the problem worse.

How Can We Help Change This?

Our approach is to work with both institutions and individuals, to help the Haitian Church develop leaders like Erwin who create resources and mobilize churches to deepen faith and engage for justice.

The Hope

Erwin says it well: “I hope that in the years ahead I will become a leader who makes a big difference—who loves people, and shares love everywhere I go.” We think Erwin already grown into this kind of leader. And we hope you’ll consider helping students like her through giving toward a scholarship.


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