9th Annual Haiti Open Space

June 27, 2010

Among the highlights for me (John Engle) at our 9th* Annual Haiti Open Space meeting that convened more than 80 Haitians from around the country was emphasis on social enterprise. In particular, social or “community” enterprise that can generate funds to pay teachers’ salaries which will lead to better education that is accessible to more Haitian children. This is something to get excited about.

Stay tuned. Our film about a Haitian success story using community enterprise to fund teachers salaries in numerous community schools and a companion booklet should both be finished by end of August. We’re grateful to Vista Hermosa for a grant that’s making this possible. Below is a short video about this. Click here to view photos.

*I erred in video saying 8th Annual Haiti Open Space. It’s the 9th.

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2 Responses

  1. Félicitations pour l’engagement que vous avez face à votre communauté et le leadership qui se manifeste chez vous. De tenir pour une 8e fois un Forum Ouvert national dans les conditions difficiles de votre pays est un exemple inspirant pour nous tous à travers le monde.

    Diane Gibeault