We are thrilled to share that we surpassed our $100K goal!
Thank you to everyone who donated or otherwise supported our fundraising effort this year!

Hear from Natacha, a Children’s Academy parent, on the impact you’re having in her life

Meet students and parents from the school community!

Will you help us reach the $100K goal?

Progress Bar


Here are a few examples of what your matched donation can accomplish:

$40 (x2) – 2 months of school for a student

$100 (x2) – 4 months garden tech help for parents

$240 (x2) – 2 semesters of school for a student

$480 (x2) – 2 years of school for a student



Jada Windows, Patrick & Linda Collins, Anonymous Donor, Celeste & James Ornellas, Paul Mulhollem & Valerie Cravens


The Community Church of Vero Beach, Laurie & Steve Poll, Daniel & Susana Rohrer, Marlene Rupp & Steve Sooby, Cheryl & Sherman Balch, Fred & Gina Eddy, Bonnie & Crockett Farnell, Joyce & Ken Johnson, Bonnie & David Lanyi, Merline’s, Gene & Jean Cravens, Carleen Layman & Evan Wenger, John & Stephanie Smith, Rick & Cathy Murray


Jeff Quick, Hannah & Peter Meadow, Sharon Engle, Jim & Pattie Kitchen, Julie & Robert Spahr, Adam and Suzanne Bolinger, Rosamond Allen & Paul Landry, Carl & Ira Siebentritt, Jeannie Saver, Heirloom Books, Chris Schmidt, Malaika Johnson, Heather & Andrew Bronson, Matthew Simonson, Marilyn & James Mitchell, Richard & Carol Sheridan, Elizabeth McMeekin, Andrew Street, Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Schiraldi, Denny Allen & Sally Harrison, Medora Lutheran Church, Phillip Long


Fequiere & Maude Heurtelou-Vilsaint, Christine Back, Ted Woll, Jeremy Butler-Pinkham, Neal & Nancy Lohuis, Carol Ludwig & Warren Obluck, Bruno Freeman, Stanley & Anita Soule, Beth Livers, Peggy Holman, Thomas Storrer, Sheldon & Sallie Parker, Robert Hass, Gwenyth Searer, Anonymous Donor, Joanne Hanna, Kari Lipke & Joanne Engquist, Tim & Dana Spaman, Patricia Aburdene, Jayne Engle, Kim & Laurie Haarburg, William Nye