Thank you!

We are thrilled to share that as of July 1st we not only
met the original $50K matching goal, but we surpassed it by 28%!

Thank you to everyone who joined together with us for the Loving Courageously Fiscal Year-End Matching Campaign. Especially as Haiti faces such challenging times, we can’t tell you how encouraging your support is.

Thank you, as ever, for supporting students, families, and communities in Haiti.

~ The Haiti Partners Team

“There are times life asks you to love courageously.
This is one of those times.”

– Yolande, Children’s Academy first-grade teacher

As you know, Haiti has been facing an extremely difficult time. While we’re thankful the Partner Schools have remained open, The Children’s Academy has been closed to students since January as one of Haiti’s most notorious gangs attempted to establish itself in the area. As a result, in the words of Children’s Academy 1st-grade teacher Yolande (pictured above), “Some students have lost their homes … some have even lost family members in the violence.”

In response to this extraordinary situation, Yolande took extraordinary action. She invited into her home five young students who had lost their homes or don’t know where their parents are due to the violence. She explains:

I can’t sleep knowing that some of my students are homeless. Some don’t even know where their parents are. How can I not take them in? Sometimes life asks you to love courageously even when you know you’re putting yourself and your family at risk.

Yolande’s words and actions leave us in awe. She doesn’t know how long it will be, nor if their families were intimidated by the gangs into cooperation. She could be putting her own family at risk. Nonetheless, she continues:

Our ancestors knew love was the secret ingredient to well-being. We must embody it in every action. Don’t preach, just do. We may have nowhere to go, but we have each other. We have konbit. Love will guide us through the darkest times. By God’s grace, our community has joined forces and we’re courageously rising to the occasion.

We invite you to give generously to this year’s fiscal year-end matching campaign to support valiant teachers like Yolande, her students and colleagues. Here are examples of what your gift can accomplish:

– $40 x 2 = 2 months scholarship for a student
– $100 x 2 = 4 months garden technical assistance for parents
– $250 x 2 = 2 months support for a teacher
– $480 x 2 = 2 full years scholarship for a student

  • $40 x 2 = 2 months scholarship for a student
  • $100 x 2 = 4 months garden technical assistance for parents
  • $250 x 2 = 2 months support for a teacher
  • $480 x 2 = 2 full years scholarship for a student

We are also pleased to share that in addition to having a match available thanks to a generous anonymous donor, thanks to our Circle Fund supporters, all donations will go directly to programs!

Thank you, as ever, for being in this challenging but essential work with us.
May we all draw inspiration from Yolande’s example of loving courageously.

Join us in Loving Courageously!

Raised: $64,134

Thank you for getting us 28%
beyond the original $50K goal!

We’re thrilled to share The Children’s Academy reopened May 29!

Thank you to our generous supporters!


Scott and Warner Builders, Paul Mulhollem & Valerie Cravens,
The Community Church of Vero Beach


Elizabeth & Michael Mooney, Scott Henderson, Bob & Lila Bolinger, Daniel & Susana Rohrer, Carl & Ira Siebentritt, William & Patricia Milford, Jeffrey Reynolds, David Danis


Shelley & Todd Cassel, Randy & Shannon Collins, Stanley & Judith Ott, John & Lynn Loftus, Meghan Mazick, Allan Beverly, Frederick & Jane Andrews, Phil Friedrich, Christina Baxter & Nick Vernace


Vishal Singh, Jeff Quick, Bill & Ruth Henderson, Sara Collyar, Ron Terry, Deanna & Andy Slamans, Jean McQuiggin, Merline’s Caribbean Hot Sauce, Gregory Kadel, Susan Houston, Allan & Louise Campbell

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