6-Month Update
July 12, 2010 Here’s a quick update on what our donors and partners are making possible in Haiti.
First impressions from Cabois
Blog #1 Mary Padden July 5, 2010 Hi! This is Mary, a Haiti Partners intern for the summer of 2010. For the next month and a half, I am living in the rural community of Cabois along with my good friend Kietrie. We are staying with families, spending time with various members of the community, […]
New Interns In Haiti
June 22, 2010 Kietrie (left) and Mary (right) join Haiti Partners! Under the leadership of longtime friend Kim Montroll, Kietrie and Mary have joined us in Haiti. They will be volunteering with Cabois Community School, working with teachers and students there to improve education. They’ll be blogging here about their experiences so stay tuned. `
Epic River Crossing
June 22, 2010 Yesterday our group from Silver Spring Presbyterian Church (Mechanicsburg, PA) traveled to Darbonne and Cabois with Haiti Partners Youth Choir. They connected with the students and teachers in song and stories. Great fun! The roads are washed out and with a bus for all 33 of us there was no way to […]
June 10, 2010 Progress continues at Cabois Learning Center. And, this week construction began at Henri Christophe Learning Center!
More great progress at Cabois Community School!
May 28, 2010 Here are a few photos (by Luke Renner) from a recent visit to Cabois Community School. As you can see, they’re making great progress! This project has become a beacon of hope in this small, rural community. Thanks for your support in making it happen! (Click here to download these photos in […]
May 19, 2010 I’m (John Engle) thrilled by the progress! Please take 2 minutes to look at the video to see construction underway. Education for children in communities of Cabois, Darbonne, Lalo and others where Learning Centers are being built is going to be so much better than before the earthquake, thanks to generous contributions […]
May 9, 2010 Cabois Learning Center is being built! And, school leadership is getting trained to manage a $10,000 fund for parents of students to get small loans to help them do commerce and get back on their feet. With deep gratitude to Zyman Foundation and Zyman family for making all this possible!
Cabois Community School Breaks Ground
May 1, 2010 I (John Engle) was encouraged to see that all the rubble from Cabois Community School has been removed and used to improve roads and that the foundation has been dug for a new Cabois Community Learning Center/Shelter. The locals are doing a great job and they along with Haiti Partners couldn’t be […]
Schools of Students in XO Laptop project
April 9, 2010 I visited yesterday the XO laptop training of the children and mentors in Darbonne, Haiti. I couldn’t have been more impressed! The confidence of the mentors as they worked with the students and the confidence and pride of the students as the made those laptops do what they wanted them to made […]