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New Project Pages Promote Transparency

April 30, 2012 Erik Badger We’re pleased to announce two new project pages here at the Capacity Building3 and Social Enterprise for Quality Education pages.  These pages consolidate all significant proposals, reports, media and updates from these two projects and make them easily accessible to the public. Though we do not expect all of our […]

WORLDBLU Team in Haiti

December 25, 2011 My co-workers and I (John Engle) were thrilled to host in Haiti the WorldBlu team December 10-17. Their training on organizational and workplace democracy for our partner school leadership teams and for 35 people in our LEADERS Program was incredible. We are so grateful to Vista Hermosa Foundation for making their visit […]

WorldBlu Team in Haiti

December 12, 2011 My co-workers and I (John Engle) are having a wonderful time hosting WorldBlu team in Haiti this week. They’re putting photos and updates on their Facebook page. Click here. We are so grateful to Vista Hermosa Foundation for making their visit possible. In addition to them participating in Open Haiti Camp open […]

Social Business Meeting

September 27, 2011 Here’s a super quick video (14 seconds) of community meeting yesterday with Philippe Lagrenade facilitating a brainstorming about possible social businesses that could help fund the Children’s Academy and which will also help meet a community need. Philippe is doing meetings like this with all communities where our partner schools are. Today […]

LEADERS Seminar – Social Business

August 15, 2011 Last week was another LEADERS seminar. Our LEADERS program consists of four seminars a year over three years for community leaders and school principals. The focus of this year’s seminars has been social business. In December this 3-year phase will be finished and we plan to start a new three year LEADERSHIP […]

Social Business Seminar with Grameen Creative Lab

May 6, 2011 35 community leaders/school directors are convening for three days as part of Haiti Partners LEADERS Program, which is funded with a grant from Vista Hermosa Foundation. This is a three-year training to help leaders build capacity in: use of computers (they all receive laptops), in participatory education and leadership, and in institutional […]

Film About Community Enterprise for Education

April 4, 2011 My colleagues and I (John Engle) are delighted to share a film that we’ve (we includes the amazing Luke Renner and Sylove with Fireside International along with others involved) created about a wonderful Haitian success story of communities creating income generating activities to pay teachers’ salaries to educate the children in their […]

LEADERS Program: Social Enterprise

March 14, 2011 The successful long-term development of Haiti relies on Haitians acquiring and employing the skills they need to exercise their independence and autonomy in inclusive and respectful ways.  Unfortunately, most Haitian leaders lack both the practical skills to make them effective and the experience which would allow them to lead inclusively and respectfully. […]

Civic Empowerment Project – Update

December 4, 2010 Yesterday the 20 facilitators (photo below) in the Civic Empowerment Project we’re doing in partnership with USAID met to work on logistics and discuss what’s working and challenges. The objective of the project is to have forty groups, each comprised of 25 teachers, community organizers and young leaders (a total of 1,000) […]

Disciples Network Organizes to Educate on Cholera

October 26, 2010 Yesterday, we received a message from one of our Disciples Program leaders, Ysmaille Dorsainvil, who lives and works in the Central Plateau, where the cholera outbreak began.  As soon as Ysmaille learned about the outbreak, he connected with a local nurse and organized a meeting with 38 members of his network as […]