Happy Thanksgiving!
November 22, 2012 Happy Thanksgiving! Here’s a short video that we did in Haiti very early this morning. We wanted to share some Thanksgiving reflections with you. We are so very grateful to be part of such a dedicated, talented team and to have the opportunity to be a bridge between you and the people […]
Happy Birthday Haiti Partners!
Nov. 12, 2012 We’ve been working in Haiti for many years, but just three years ago this month we started Haiti Partners. It’s a moment to say how deeply grateful we are for you and your partnership, to look back with gratitude for God’s grace, and to look forward with excitement to the good work […]
Vote for Malya, our CNN Hero!
September 29, 2012 Erik Badger Vote at CNN Heroes for Malya Villard-Appolon, a longtime friend and collaborator of Haiti Partners. For over 10 years Malya and her organization KOFAVIV have used the methods we promote – Reflection Circles (Touchstones in the US) and Open Space – to encourage healing and empower rape victims. She is indeed a […]
Circles of Change Advanced Training
June 7, 2012 On May 18-19 we convened 30 of our strongest Open Space and Wonn Refleksyon practitioners for an advanced training in the Circles of Change method. The objective of this training was to share new best practices that were developed in the north as part of the Improving Communications Project with USAID that […]
New Project Pages Promote Transparency
April 30, 2012 Erik Badger We’re pleased to announce two new project pages here at haitipartners.wpengine.com: the Capacity Building3 and Social Enterprise for Quality Education pages. These pages consolidate all significant proposals, reports, media and updates from these two projects and make them easily accessible to the public. Though we do not expect all of our […]
Planting Beans at Haiti Partners Academy & Happy Easter!
April 7, 2012 John Engle April 7th is a big planting day in Haiti. About 20 community members came together at 5 am this morning to start planting beans on land where Haiti Partners Academy is being built. In Haiti this is called a kòve, which is a tradition for centuries. It’s like a work […]
Partnership with Habitat brings Circles of Change to Santo housing community
April 5, 2012 Erik Badger Thanks to our partnership with Habitat for Humanity International, 150 community members of the newly created Santo housing community in Leogane will participate for six months in an adapted Circles of Change training which will not only teach them democratic practices, but will result in a local governance plan created by the community. The […]
Always Be Playin’ – WOZO with LIG Playmakers
March 10, 2012 Here are some images of fun and joy as film crew captures Life Is Good Playmakers with WOZO Choir. They’ve already produced a CD and WOZO is part of the music. It is going to schools and educators throughout Haiti. Now they’re creating a DVD. We love Life Is Good Playmakers in […]
The Voice of the Children
February 20, 2012 by John Engle, as told to Jonathan Chan Sometimes, you can’t help but wonder if we’re making a difference that reaches all the way to the core of the problem. Some days it can be unclear. Other days you see the difference in action, right in front of you, and that’s what […]
Dialogue and Development in Haiti’s Northeast
February 16, 2012 Since 2001, Circles of Change – the centerpiece of our Teachers program – has been training teachers and leaders in Haiti how to effectively work together through dialogue. Over the course of 6 months, participants learn to listen and speak with care, to work collaboratively, and when necessary, to disagree respectfully. The program is popular […]