Arpil 29, 2010 Students from MIT under leadership of Dale Joachim and Barry Vercoe, who are with OLPC (One Laptop Per Child) and MIT, visited our XO Laptop pilot yesterday. It was great to have them exchange with our school directors, mentors and students who are involved in the pilot program. Click here for more […]
April 24, 2010 What a joy it is to see these children engaging so intently as they discover the potential of their XO laptops. 40 children and 10 mentors from four of our partner schools in Darbonne, the epicenter, are part of a 200 XO laptop pilot project. Click here for more photos. Special thanks […]
Wozo, Haiti Partners Youth Choir Ready to Tour!
April 20, 2010 Pro-music teacher/choir director, Kayla Werlin, who has coached our youth choir and director during her short yearly visits says they’re ready to perform in US. Very exciting! Kayla is super impressed with progress they’ve made and is amazed by how quickly they learn new stuff. Here’s a short video that her friend, […]
Schools of Students in XO Laptop project
April 9, 2010 I visited yesterday the XO laptop training of the children and mentors in Darbonne, Haiti. I couldn’t have been more impressed! The confidence of the mentors as they worked with the students and the confidence and pride of the students as the made those laptops do what they wanted them to made […]
Students Learn XO Laptops
April 7, 2010 An update with 40 students beginning a month long training on XO laptops. Plus, Zyman Foundation is going to fund entire Cabois Learning Center/Shelter! Thank you to the Zyman family! Finally, longtime friend and colleague Kim Montroll working with us to create Intern Program.
Haiti Partners Youth Choir Sings For Vero Beach Friends
April 3, 2010 This morning before departing for airport and after taking hike to future site of Learning Center, Haiti Partners Youth Choir sings for Vero Beach friends.
Thank you DHL and Individual Contributors!
March 30, 2010 Yesterday we cleared from customs the 200 XO laptops for Haitian children contributed by individuals and shipped without charge by DHL. Haiti Partners is grateful to be in partnership with OLPC and Waveplace on this pilot project, which involves training 40 carefully selected Haitian “mentors” who will each work over 6 weeks […]
Both Relief and Development
March 22, 2010 Our medical team left today and the child laptop team arrived last night. These are examples of how Haiti Partners is involved in both relief and development to support the communities where we have partner schools. Please note: I indicated in video that the community of one of our partner schools has […]
Haiti Partners Youth Choir NOT Singing
March 16, 2010 You’ve perhaps watched Haiti Partners Youth Choir dance and heard them sing. They’re still doing that regularly. But with more time on their hands because their schools have not yet started, they’re improving the community by cleaning roads. Among things that need to change in Haiti is littering. With no organized waste […]
Christa’s Angels: Her brother shares
March 7, 2010 Julian Brelsford returns to Haiti after having been there with his sister when the earthquake struck. He shares about their experience and how Christa was seriously injured. He also shares about Christa and their family’s initiative to use this experience to do good for the people in Darbonne and Fayette. Learn more […]