Online Matching Campaign til June 30: Equip a Teacher, Help Students!
June 21, 2011 In a recent post we introduced Clovis Charles. Clovis is a school administrator and teacher at Henri Christophe Community School, one of our seven partner schools. Clovis is a fantastic, inspiring teacher who epitomizes why we don’t want to hold back as we help Haitians change Haiti through education. To help Clovis […]
An Inspiring Teacher Story
June 15, 2011 Clovis Charles is a school administrator and teacher at Henri Christophe Community School, one of our seven partner schools. (He’s also featured in our recent letter about a $60,000 matching grant opportunity before June 30.) Clovis epitomizes why we don’t want to hold back as we help Haitians change Haiti through education. […]
Civic Empowerment Project Article on USAID Website
June 7, 2011 Click here to read a brief article on the USAID website about the 3-month customized Circles of Change training we did with them earlier this year. The training focused on Civic Empowerment. As a result, 1,000 educators practiced inclusive teaching and leading techniques, studied the Haitian Constitution and learned about their civic […]
New National Curriculum Being Developed
May 20, 2011 Yesterday my co-worker Hannah Meadow presented with friend and colleague Caroline Hudicourt, the CARES curriculum at Ministry of Education. Haiti’s Ministry of Education, in collaboration with UNICEF, is developing a national curriculum for Haitian pre-school children ages 3-5. Haiti Partners, Caroline Hudicourt and other individuals and organizations working in early childhood development […]
Partnering with Grameen Creative Lab
April 22, 2011 All of us at Haiti Partners are excited about a new partnership with Grameen Creative Lab in Haiti. While social business to advance quality education has been a priority for us since our conception, we acknowledge that we need more expertise and accompaniment. The professionally done film we did, “Solisyon Natif Natal” […]
Reports on Major Grants
April 10, 2011 Haiti Partners has the privilege of working with Vista Hermosa Foundation, which is making possible through significant grants, two important Haiti Partners projects: Capacity Building 3 and Social Enterprise for Advancing Quality Education. We invite you to review our two-year and 18 month reports, respectively, for these projects. Click here for Capacity […]
Circles of Change Spreads by Tens of Thousands
March 28, 2011 Haiti Partners’ mission is to help Haitians change Haiti through education for students, teachers, leaders, and disciples. Our educational efforts focus on helping Haitians change their country’s top-down, dictatorial teaching and leadership approach to one that empowers children and adults to discover their potential to create and to collaborate effectively. Our educational […]
Open Space: Teacher Training Follow-Up
March 28, 2011 This past Friday afternoon co-workers and I (John Engle) convened with about 25 teachers who participated in the 3-day early childhood development seminar that Haiti Partners held in collaboration with Acacia School in Petion-Ville, Leslie Falconer of Mother Goose Time and Fequiere Vilsaint of Educavision. Frequently, we use Open Space method (video […]
Alternative Math Training A Great Success!
March 19, 2011 Yesterday marked the last day of a week-long training Haiti Partners held on alternative mathematics. The approach – developed by Caleb Gattengo (1911-1988) – was presented by Dr. Arthur Powell and interpreted by long-time associate, Esaie Pierre, both with ELAT – Elevating Learning Above Teaching. The Gattegno approach to math uses manipulatives […]
Pre-School Teacher Training
March 9, 2011 We’re in second day of three days of teacher training for more than 60 pre-school educators. Leslie Falconer of Mother Goose Time and Fequiere Vilsaint of Educavision of doing a fabulous job! In addition to have pre-school teachers present from all of our partner schools, there are also representatives from a number […]